Dedications & Memorials for Christmas Poitsettias

Given in honor of Phil Nuccio, beloved husband.
Margaret Nuccio

In memory of - Remie and Iola Dionne, Dan and Barb Dionne, Ben and Jan Dionne, Ruth Dionne, Wayne and Elain Hires, and Charles and Mary Kay Boyle.
Steve Dionne and Chuck Boyle

Given in memory of Thomas Soles, Marilyn Wilcox, and John Southcott.
Charles and Ruth Anne Wilcox

Given in Thanksgiving of our family.
Bernie and Tony Ishmael

Given to the Glory of God.
Tom and Monica Agler

In memory of our parents: Anne and Harry; and Lucille and Mernie.
Jeff and Carol Kincaid

Given in honor of Johnnie and Al Davalle; and Anna and Pat Lotesta.
Brenda and Rich Lotesta

Given in memory of Richard and Willa Hansell and Marian Lanning.
Jim, Nancy, Kristin and Liz Lanning

Given in honor of George and Marlene Sarros and Judith McClure
Steve and Amy Sarros

Given in memory of my dearest wife, Bette.
Dick Geyer

Given in honor of Katarina Mackovic and Arthur Balamucki.
Ilija and Faye Mackovic

In loving honor of Katherine Victor Huggins.
Margaret Pernau
Given in honor of Carol.
Katherine Damitz

In loving memory of John and Barbara Hook and Louis DiBello.
Marie DiBello

Given to the Glory of God.
Kathy and Jim Brown

The altar flowers are offered to the glory of God and in loving memory of Robert Roque.
Sharon Roque and family

Given in honor of Betty Caruso.
Meg Caruso

Given in Thanksgiving for our family and friends.
The Caruso-Elmore family

In memory of Conrad and Nancy Ettl, Virginia Faryan and Cameron Clark.
Laurie and Steve Faryan